This simple practice keeps the spine healthy andactive, naturally leading to success. Yoga forSuccess - In evolution, a vertical spine corresponds to a leap incapability. Yoga for Immunity - Practices to help enhance your immunityand lung capacity, which are vital in these COVID times. Yogafor Health - A simple way to activate the energy nodules in yourjoints and exercise your muscles, bringing ease to the wholesystem.
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Free Yoga Tools These easy5-minute practices are potent tools to enhance health, joy, peace,love, and success, to help you cope with the hectic pace of modernlife and realize your full potential in all spheres of life. Sadhguru Daily Sadhguru Quote – Spiritual Quotesfor your daily dose of insight and inspiration Daily Wisdom Videos- Short daily wisdom bytes to help you start your spiritual lifeSadhguru Videos, Articles and Podcasts – Latest videos and articleson a wide range of intriguing topics, and podcasts to listen toSadhguru’s wisdom wherever you are. For visitors to Isha Centers, we haveincluded a live map, so that you can get driving directions withjust one click. Keep up to date withSadhguru and Isha events. These free meditation practiceswill help you overcome stress and anxiety, and discover a lastingcalm and joy, in just a few minutes a day. Enjoy a drop of spiritualityin your life with Sadhguru’s daily quotes and daily wisdom videos.And if you are new to yoga, you can learn yoga for beginners(Upa-Yoga) and guided meditations. Connect with Sadhguru and Isha’s offerings on the official SadhguruApp! Read the latest articles by Sadhguru, listen to Sadhguru'spodcasts, and watch the newest videos on topics ranging fromspirituality, success, relationships, to health, fitness, andliving a joyful and stress-free life.