Then in December when the first tax chart appears, hold L + R while setting all the police, fire departments, etc. (until you have $00.00 remaining) or until you cannot build anything else (even by destroying buildings). When you first start a new game, waste all your money by building all houses, airports, etc. You will also have the fountain, which raises land values. You should have a lot of money and many years should have passed.

Leave the game running overnight, then check the game. You can build more than that if desired, but keep your city small so the game will not slow down as a result of having a large number of buildings). Build a power plant, 8 residential zones, 4 commercial zones, 4 industrial zones, and (preferably) a police department. Release L and your funds should now show all 9s. Select "Go with figures" and proceed to the main screen. Choose the tax option from the menu and raise all of your funding levels back to 100%. While continuing to hold L, press X(2) to skip to January. When the annual tax screen appears hold L, select "Go with figures", and the regular screen will return. Set all of your tax and funding levels to 0%. Turn off your auto budget and spend all of your money. This effectively doubles the amount of maps. Return to the main menu, select the "Start New City" option, and the landscape will change. Exit the total screen, enter the save/load menu, then select the "No" option. Start with a new city, select any landscape, and wait at least ten seconds.
Sim city snes emulator cheats code#
Note: This will also disable any activated cheats and you will have to re-input the code Putting the "Memory" option on "CLS" will get rid of the debug menu and return the game to normal. If memory is on "Set", you can return to the Debug menu at anytime by going to the "Save/Load" menu and selecting "End" at anytime without inputting the code again. If you enable any cheats on the Debug menu, make sure to put "Memory" on "Set", then reset the game to activate any cheats from the Debug menu. Select "Bull Doze Area" and you can bulldoze water just like bulldozing trees and/or shorelines. Water Reclaim: This gives your "Bull Doze Area" the ability to replace water with land. Valve Max: This forces your graph at the upper right-hand corner of the game to stay max positive no matter what. Needless Money: This allows you to build anything you can currently build for free, regardless of how much money you currently have. You can still get plane crashes and sometimes nuclear disasters during a new city under Hard mode. No Disasters: Disables your ability to cause disasters and almost completely disables disasters during scenarios. Sound Test: As its name implies, it allows you to play both background music and game sounds. The following options will now become available. The Debug menu will appear to confirm correct code entry. When you see the sleeping moon and the "See you soon, Goodbye!" message, Press Left, A, Right, Y, Up, B, Down, X, Select, Start, Start, Select, R(2), L(2) on controller two. When in-game, go to the "Save/Load" menu and select "End". Select MENU > USE BROWSING CONTROLS to show browser cursor.When you begin the game, immediately start a new city. Press SELECT+START to show game menu (save/load/reset). Use (A) to select item in menu and (B) to go back. You should have a ROM file to play a game and upload it via OneDrive. To start playing click on the emulator window, sign in OneDrive (only once at the start) and if all is OK click again to enable FULLSCREEN mode (gamepad input works only in fullscreen mode).